Physical key is the best invention of the millennium!
It has been in use for thousands of years and we can still use it without any problem, but the digital world offers more…
Before we have developed Ringo and became a great team, we were landlords renting out our accommodations through platforms like Airbnb, and alike.
Many times a physical key was a problem, especially with delivery to the guests. Either guests were being late, their fault or not (transportation delays), forgetting the key, no digital footprint (not sure if the cleaning service arrived) and many more problems arise when you are managing multiple properties. Many of these situations and our experiences are described in our blog which you can read here:
We are still renting out, but now with a peace of mind and the help of Ringo, which saves us a ton of time, not necessary extra steps and related expenses. It is just so much more simple!
We have developed Ringo according to our experience and based on your needs as landlords. We have talked to so many of you, landlords and hosts, to get every possible insight. Then we examined and compared experiences to be able to develop a product/service that is practical and useful, for both, hosts and your guests.
We are going even further, so Ringo can now digitise even your home doors and you can open it remotely or share a digital key with your loved ones, you control who can enter and when.
Ringo will save you a lot of steps and simplify your life by becoming your digital key of the future. Otherwise you can still use your classic keys anytime you want, we are not changing the key, we are just digitising it for you 🙂

Ringo Team