

Smart door

Best for home use

5€ /month

Ringo fits all doors, new or old!

  • 1x Ringo BOX
    opens both building & apartment doors
  • Open from remote
  • Contactless open
  • Recording entry history
  • Local support
  • All updates included
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Local installation fee

Smart sport

Fitness centers, tennis & padel courts...

X /user /month

Ringo will be charged monthly per number of users.

  • 1x Ringo BOX
    opens fences, doors, parking…
  • Open from remote
  • Share digital keys
  • Open with NFC tag /card
  • Integration with booking platforms
  • Recording entry history
  • Local support
  • All updates included
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Local installation fee

Smart intercom

For apartment buildings & residents

2€ / apt. /month

Ringo is a wireless intercom, open with your mobile phone or key tag.

  • 1x Ringo BOX
    opens building & apartment doors
  • Open from remote
  • Contactless open
  • Open with NFC tag /card
  • Recording entry history
  • Local support
  • All updates included
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Local installation fee

Smart hosting

Best for hosts in apartment buildings

1€ /day

Pay 1 EUR /booked-night

  • 1x Ringo BOX
    opens building & apartment doors
  • Open from remote
  • Share digital keys with guests, cleaners…
  • No app needed
  • Recording entry history
  • Online Check-in
  • Integration with Channel managers (API)
  • Local support
  • All updates included
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Local installation fee

Special discount for annual payment -10%!

Compare Ringo with
other Smart Locks

Check how Ringo compares to other Smart Locks which are currently available on the market.

We took a deep dive look into Smart Locks with a comprehensive features list for each product.

Ringo Pricing

See a full features list of Ringo in a comparison table here.

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